Administrative Sites
SCOE's main administration building, the David P. Meaney Education Center.
David P. Meaney Education Center
SCOE's administration and conference center, the David P. Meaney Education Center, is headquartered on the former Mather Air Force Base, approximately one mile from the Mather Field exit from Highway 50. Hours of operation are typically 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Mailing and Shipping Addresses
Physical Location (No Mail or Packages):
10474 Mather Boulevard
Mather, CA 95655
Mailing Address (No Packages):
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826-9003
Shipping Address (No Mail):
10150 Missile Way
Mather, CA 95655
SCOE Mather-Area Sites
- David P. Meaney Education Center (10474 Mather Boulevard)
(916) 228-2500 • Additional parking is located to the north of the building, across Mather Blvd. The Hanbit Church parking lot and the lot to the north of the Business Services/Personnel building may also be used. Refer to printable directions. - Conference Center (3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100)
(916) 228-2500 - Clellan "Cy" Young Business Services/Personnel (10530 Mather Boulevard)
(916) 228-2332 • Located two blocks east of the David P. Meaney Education Center. Visitor parking is available from Norden Avenue. Additional parking is located to the north, around the block, across Mather Boulevard. - Student Programs (10541 Norden Avenue)
(916) 228-2500 • Additional parking is located to the north, around the block, across Mather Boulevard. - Printing & Production Services/General Services/Receiving (10150 Missile Way)
(916) 228-2271