SCOE-Produced Video Catalog

Student watching video on laptop


In this video series, SCOE culinary instructors go step-by-step through family-friendly recipes that are designed to try at home. Key scientific terms and explanations of various ingredients and processes are presented. Math skills are reinforced with weighing, measuring, and calculating ingredients and portions.

Early Learning

English Language Arts

  • Alphabet Knowledge—Helpful for families of children learning their alphabet letters, accurately and automatically identifying upper- and lowercase letters, and telling the difference between letters that look similar.
  • Phonological Awareness—Helpful for families of children learning to read, especially those in transitional kindergarten through first grade, learning the sounds of language is an important step toward reading.

General Activities

  • Boredom Busters—Members of SCOE’s Friday Night Live and Club Live team offer students some ideas for fun things they can do to relieve boredom while they stay at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

History/Social Science

  • Census 2020 Overview: Count Me In!—Information about the 2020 Census, the importance of a complete count, and ways you can be an advocate for a complete count in your community.
  • The Bracero Program—Students will learn about the farm labor agreement signed with Mexico in 1942, the historical debates that surrounded it, and its relevance to issues we face today. Students will complete a "Double Diary" entry about the program and find ways to extend their knowledge through literature and art.
  • Voices of the Civil Rights Movement—Experience oral histories, maintained the Library of Congress, from people who participated in the Civil Rights Movement. Learn what motivated people to risk their own safety for a cause, what tactics and strategies they employed, and how they view the legacy of the movement today.


Physical Fitness


  • American River Parkway STEM Video Lessons—an engaging series of science, technology, engineering, and math video lessons for students, recorded on location at the River Bend Outdoor Education site and the Effie Yeaw Nature Center.
  • Cars for Sail—Build a car, a mast, and a sail using household materials, then use a house fan to see how far your sail car can travel.
  • Creek Ecology—Understanding how the health of a watershed can be determined by examining the macroinvertebrates that exist in the water.
  • Forest Ecology—Learn to identify decomposers, understand their function, and how they contribute to the forest.
  • Geological History of Lake Tahoe—Take a virtual field trip with California State Parks experts and learn about Lake Tahoe, including its similarities to the California Central Valley.
  • Survival by Design (Thermal Dynamics)—Gain an understanding of the different kinds of heat transfer, and learn what attributes aid in heat retention if you ever get stuck in the forest and need to build a shelter.

Tips for Parents Schooling at Home


English-Language Learners/English as a Second Language (ESL)

Let's Learn English Level 1: A Series for English Learners

Meet Anna Matteo, who moves to Washington, D.C, gets a job, makes friends, and does many fun activities. These Voice of America videos are used in the USA Learns course, which includes additional learning activities. (For even more English practice, consider taking the free USA Learns English 1 Plus course.)