The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) is one of 58 county offices located throughout the state. Approximately 650 regular and more than 950 temporary and substitute SCOE staff work year-round providing services that complement and supplement those offered by public school districts in Sacramento County.
Classified Employee of the Month
Diana Welty, a Program Analyst with Instructional Support Services, was nominated by Director Bill Palmer for her contributions to the Sacramento County Office of Education. Ms. Welty provides support for the Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS). Her responsibilities include budget tracking, arrangements for workshops and meetings, data collection, and office duties that support work throughout the 10-county service region. In addition to her work for RSDSS, Ms. Welty volunteers time to assist with the Sacramento County Academic Decathlon and has done so for the past five years. Her supervisor and colleagues consider Ms. Welty an "exemplary employee, dedicated to the office's success. Diana is someone the entire department can count on. She is knowledgeable, dependable, and works well with both office personnel and the public. We couldn't do this complicated job without her." Ms. Welty has been employed by SCOE since February 1992.
Certificated Employee of the Month
Terri Edinburgh, a Teacher with the Special Education Department, was nominated by Principal Jerri Scott for her contributions to the Sacramento County Office of Education. Ms. Edinburgh works with SH (Seriously Handicapped) students at SCOE's Prairie Elementary School—West Campus site in South Sacramento's Valley Hi area. Among her students are those considered "medically fragile," requiring complex medical procedures. Ms. Edinburgh works diligently to provide quality services for students with severe disabilities, ensuring that they have access to the core curriculum content standards. She creatively makes adaptations to the content so that her students can achieve their goals and objectives and participate in learning activities. Her supervisor notes, "Students have made great gains under Terri's guidance and expertise." Ms. Edinburgh has been a member of the SH Special Education Advisory for the last two school years. She attended the "Trainer of Trainers" workshop for the M.O.V.E. (Movement Orientation Via Education) curriculum and has been instrumental in implementing M.O.V.E. at SCOE. On March 19, Ms. Edinburgh will receive the Sacramento Association for the Retarded "2004 Outstanding Teacher Award." Concludes her supervisor, "Terri's working relationships with families are exceptional, and she quickly gains the trust of families and students. She is a caring educator who deserves to be recognized for her many talents and skills. Ms. Edinburgh has been employed by the Sacramento County Office of Education since April 1990.