SCOE System of Support
The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) System of Support is a cross-departmental coordination of expertise, services, and resources that has been designed to align with the needs of students in Sacramento County. The goal is to ensure equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students by providing support to schools and districts in Sacramento County that is aligned with their specific needs (as highlighted by the California School Dashboard performance accountability system).
- Updates: Provides up-to-date information on California’s Statewide System of Support
- Innovative & Reflective Processing: Serves as a fluid problem-solving think tank on relevant/current issues for SCOE
- Professional Learning: Includes good collaboration and sharing of resources and tools
- Internal: Develops a cadre of experts trained in key concepts that can be flexibly deployed to support internal improvement efforts
- External: Ensures that SCOE is offering comprehensive professional learning opportunities that address district needs and countywide data on student outcomes
- Data: Drives deep understanding and decision-making for improvement internally and externally