County Committee on School District Organization
The County Committee on School District Organization plays a major role in the review and approval of proposals to change school district organization in the county. As authorized by California Education Code, the County Committee is the local initiator, coordinator, analyst, facilitator, and arbitrator for the reorganization of school districts. The County Committee also considers petitions for transfers of school district territory, and to establish or change school district governing board trustee areas. It is comprised of the seven trustees of the Sacramento County Board of Education and has jurisdiction in matters related to the reorganization of the 13 school districts located in the County of Sacramento.
County Committee staff serve as a resource for county school districts and residents in school district organization issues. Staff also provide the County Committee with the information and legal research necessary for its functions, and coordinate County Committee actions with appropriate state, county, and local agencies.
- CDE School District Organization Handbook—officially approved by the California State Board of Education. Printed copies are available for purchase from the California Department of Education.
County Committee Agendas and Meeting Schedule
Meetings of the Sacramento County Committee on School District Organization are scheduled on an as-needed basis. For the official meeting schedule, including related/ancillary meetings, agendas, minutes, and more, please visit the BoardDocs agenda management platform: