Sacramento County Academic Decathlon
About the Decathlon
Folsom H.S. Wins 2025 County Academic Decathlon—Medals Awarded to Local Students for Annual Competition
The 45th Annual Sacramento County Academic Decathlon will be held during the 2024–25 school year. High school teams study the theme in subjects like science or music, guided by the curriculum provided by the United States Academic Decathlon. The competition features a series of challenging events, such as multiple-choice tests across various disciplines, as well as prepared and impromptu speeches, written essays, and interviews with a panel of judges. One of the event's highlights is the Super Quiz, a fast-paced quiz-bowl competition held in front of a live audience.
Students master ten events which allow them to:
- Visualize art history
- Participate in an interview
- Experiment with science
- Become versed in language and literature
- Experience the music
- Master mathematics
- Excel in social science
- Author an essay
- Prepare a speech
- Learn economics
Each team consists of three honor students (grade point average 3.80–4.0), three scholastic decathletes (GPA 3.20–3.799), and three varsity decathletes (GPA 0.0–3.199). Individual and team award medals are presented at an awards ceremony and the overall winning team from the county competition is invited to participate in the statewide California Academic Decathlon.
Students on Academic Decathlon teams dedicate months to rigorous preparation, mastering not only a vast array of academic subjects but also essential skills such as teamwork, goal setting, strategic planning, and leadership.
Starting a Team
Learn How to Start a Team and Participate
(portions of text courtesy of the CollegeVine blog)