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Student Programs
Sacramento County Office of Education
/ Student Programs
College and Career Readiness
CTE training for teachers, course tools, advisory meetings, and more
Homeless Services (Project Teach)
Helps districts promote education of children experiencing homelessness
State Seal of Civic Engagement
Certification for excellence in civics education and participation
Community School Program
Additional support, counseling, and career technical opportunities
Reentry Programs
Assists individuals re-entering the community from prison and jail
Student Events and Competitions
Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
Focused on improving educational outcomes for students in foster care
State Seal of Biliteracy
Certification for gaining proficiency in a world language in addition to English
Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
State program to honor students who demonstrate superior performance
Independent Study
Available to SCOE students in SCOE schools/educational programs
Specialized Educational Programs
Specialized programs offered by schools and districts