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SCOE Hosts Photography Show

Student and Teacher Work on Public Display


Students, parents, and educators attended a Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) reception on February 6 to formally open the county-wide Winter/Spring 2001 Photography Show.

The juried show, which will remain on display through 29 May, was open to all K-12 public school students and teachers in Sacramento County. Teachers were asked to submit traditional or digitally altered photographs in the following categories: Documentary, Portrait, Landscape, and Still Life. The exhibit is available for viewing Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Sacramento County Office of Education, 9738 Lincoln Village Drive, Sacramento.

Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools Dr. David P. Meaney and Sacramento County Board of Education President Elinor L. Hickey assisted in presenting awards to student winners of the show, which was titled, "Photography: Traditional Through Digitally Altered Images." The show was organized by the Instructional Support Services Division of SCOE, under the direction of Dr. Joyce Wright, Director of Elementary/Middle School Programs.

Serving as curators of the show were Linda Faircloth and Ann Kerr, teachers at Carriage Elementary School (San Juan Unified School District). The jurors of the show were Marquita Plomer, Virginia Giles, and John Abbott from Camera Arts in Sacramento.

Said curators Linda Faircloth and Ann Kerr, "We saw this exhibit as a two-fold opportunity: first, to showcase the outstanding work of teachers and students of photography throughout the county, and second, to enlighten the viewer to the artistic and technical dimensions of contemporary photography."

According to Faircloth and Kerr, "The judges were pleased with the quality of the photos and the number of selections that were submitted. Technical excellence, artistic creative insight, and presentation were guidelines they used to select the show."

Information about participation in the next SCOE art show is available by calling (916) 228-3923.

Participating Schools and Instructors

  • Casa Roble Fundamental High School (San Juan Unified School District)—Alan Lee Thorner, instructor
  • C.K. McClatchy High School (Sacramento City Unified School District)—David Tafoya, instructor
  • Florin High School (Elk Grove Unified School District)—Monica Ortega, instructor
  • Mesa Verde High School (San Juan Unified School District)—Jim Berger, instructor
  • Mills Middle School (Folsom Cordova Unified School District)—Hulan Washington, photography club advisor
  • Rio Americano High School (San Juan Unified School District)—Alan Haynes, instructor
  • Sam Brannan Middle School (Sacramento City Unified School District)—Mary Lou Hanzlik, instructor
  • Sheldon High School (Elk Grove Unified School District)—Nikki Pahl, Paula Flohr, and Debbie George, instructors
  • Winston Churchill Middle School (San Juan Unified School District)—Dayle Barry, facilitator