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Harvest Carnival a Treat for SCOE Students and Families

More Than 300 Enjoy Dinner, Games, Crafts, Face Painting, and Prizes


Children enrolled in the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Infant Development Program enjoyed an evening of fall fun October 19 at the first-ever Harvest Carnival.

Held 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the campus of SCOE's Leo A. Palmiter High School, the Harvest Carnival offered dinner, games, crafts, face painting, and door prizes to more than 300 students, parents, and family members.

The Harvest Carnival was presented by staff, parents, and volunteers of the SCOE Infant Development Program with assistance from community supporters.

The Infant Development Program, operated by the Special Services Department of the Sacramento County Office of Education, provides individualized instruction and therapy for children with developmental disabilities. Currently, 275 children from birth through three years of age participate with their parents in the Infant Development Program.