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Nominations Being Accepted for SCOE Teacher of the Year 2003

Winning to Represent SCOE in County Competition


Nominations for Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Teacher of the Year 2003 are now available. Nominations will be accepted April 1-May 7, 2002. The individual selected will represent SCOE in the Sacramento County Teachers of the Year 2003 program.

Who may be nominated?

Any non-management certificated employee of SCOE who works in a student instruction program is eligible for nomination.

Who may submit a nomination?

Any person—teacher, colleague, parent, student, district staff, or community member—may submit a nomination. Self-nominations will also be accepted.

What does it mean to be a Teacher of the Year?

SCOE's Teacher of the Year represents SCOE educators in the annual Sacramento County Teachers of the Year Program. Serving in that program as SCOE's representative means completing an application packet (due in late August), participating in an oral interview (first week of September), and being present at various recognition events throughout the 2002-2003 school year. As in previous years, SCOE's Public Information Office will be available to assist the person chosen as SCOE's Teacher of the Year with preparing the formal application packet which includes essays, a biographical statement, a resume and answers to key questions. Persons nominated as SCOE Teacher of the Year 2003 must agree to participate fully in the Teacher of the Year Program and submit a completed nomination form to SCOE Administration by 5 pm on Tuesday, May 7, 2002.

Two Teachers of the Year from Sacramento County school districts and SCOE are selected as California Teacher of the Year candidates.

How can nomination forms be obtained?

A nomination form and instruction memo were sent to all SCOE employees at the end of March. You may also call SCOE Public Information at (916) 228-2417 if you would like a copy sent to you via interoffice mail or email.

When are nominations due?

Completed nomination forms must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, in SCOE Administration—9738 Lincoln Village Drive or fax to (916) 228-2403). The front page of the nomination should be completed by the individual making the nomination; subsequent pages of the nomination must be completed by the nominee. When nominating someone, please allow sufficient time for that person to complete the nomination form before the May 7 deadline.

Who selects SCOE's Teacher of the Year?

An interview panel comprised of SCOE certificated staff is convened each year by the SCOETA (Sacramento County Office of Education Teachers Association) president. Panelists conduct interviews with the nominees May 13-24 and make recommendations to the County Superintendent of Schools by the end of the month.

When is SCOE's Teacher of the Year announced? The Superintendent traditionally announces SCOE's Teacher of the Year selection at a County Board of Education meeting in June. SCOE's new Teacher of the Year is formally introduced during the Employee Recognition Day program in August. At the countywide Teachers of the Year Recognition Banquet (Monday, September 9, 2002, at the Sacramento Hilton), Teachers of the Year are honored and the names of the two Sacramento County Teachers of the Year are announced.


Please call (916) 228-2416 or (916) 566-2022 if you have questions about the nomination form or selection process.