New officers were elected at the July 1, 2003, meeting of the Sacramento County Board of Education. Elected President by unanimous vote was John C. Scribner, who has served as Area 6 Trustee since 1992. He served as Board President in 1994-1995 and 1999–2000, as well as Board Vice President in 1993–94, 1998–99, and 2002–03. His current term as Trustee expires in June 2004. Scribner serves as Legislative Director for California State Assemblyman Lou Correa. He succeeds outgoing Board President Brian R. Cooley, who serves as Area 5 Trustee. Scribner resides in Elk Grove.
Christopher W. Woods, newly elected Vice President, is a resident of the Arden Park area of Sacramento. Woods has served since 2002 as Area 3 Trustee. His current term as Trustee expires in 2006. Woods works as Chief Consultant for the California State Assembly Budget Committee.
The offices of Board President and Vice President are held for one year. Trustees are elected for terms of four years. Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools Dr. David P. Meaney serves as Secretary to the Board of Education.
Regular Board meetings for the 2003–04 term will be held on first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Meetings usually take place in the Board Room of the Sacramento County Office of Education, 9738 Lincoln Village Drive, Sacramento. Board agendas are available online or may be requested by phoning the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) at (916) 228-2410.