Sacramento County Office of Education program director Francie Tidey has been recognized for outstanding leadership by California State University, Sacramento.
The CSUS College of Education presented the Educator of the Year award to Francie Tidey April 25, 2003, at the CSUS campus Steven Yamshon Alumni Center.
Francie Tidey serves as director of a SCOE regional program that helps prepare traditionally underserved middle school and high school students for college. The program, known as AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), provides tutoring, mentoring and other services to students at campuses in the greater Sacramento-area. In Sacramento County, 64% of high school students enroll in California public schools; the state average is 49%.
"Francie Tidey has served the educational community of the greater Sacramento-area for more than three decades," says Dr. Joyce Wright, SCOE Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Support Services. "She has established a reputation as a student advocate with a strong commitment to equity and access to education. She has also instilled in the students with whom she works a belief in the power of education that will be passed on to later generations."
Another regional program under Francie Tidey's direction is the College Horizons/Cal-SOAP Consortium. College Horizons is one of 17 Cal-SOAP (California Student Opportunity and Access Programs) projects operating in the state. College Horizons helps high school students gain admission and financial aid to two-year and four-year public and private institutions.
Francie Tidey, who has worked 12 years for the Sacramento County Office of Education, has announced her retirement effective December 31, 2003.