The Sacramento County Board of Education has passed a resolution recognizing Wednesday, May 10, as California Day of the Teacher in Sacramento County. The resolution, signed unanimously, states that "the future of our great nation rests on the success to be achieved by our teachers."
Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools David W. Gordon commended educators, emphasizing, "Teachers touch the lives of students, of families, and of entire communities. Because of gifted and inspired teachers, children experience success each day in the classroom."
The Day of the Teacher is celebrated on the second Wednesday in May in accordance with California legislation and the Education Code. The Day of the Teacher is patterned after the traditional "El Dia del Maestro" ("Day of the Teacher") festivities observed in Mexico and other countries.
Sacramento County Office of Education Teacher of the Year 2006
Representing Sacramento County Office of Education teachers as SCOE Teacher of the Year 2006 is Cathy Goodrich. Cathy Goodrich teaches the Sacramento County Office of Education SH (severely handicapped) Young Adult Transition Class on the campus of Galt High School.
"Cathy Goodrich is a once-in-a-lifetime teacher," said parent Rosemary Wold. "The time she takes with the individual students, as well as with the entire class, is phenomenal."
Cathy Goodrich was honored by the Sacramento County Board of Education on November 14, 2005.
Sacramento County Teachers of the Year
Outstanding educators from throughout the area are honored each year by the Sacramento County Office of Education. SCOE coordinates the annual Sacramento County Teachers of the Year program, in which local school districts are invited to participate. Educators selected by their districts as Teachers of the Year for 2007 will be honored September 6, 2006, at the countywide Teachers of the Year recognition event held at the Sacramento Hilton. For information and reservations, contact Darby Williams at (916) 228-2664.
At the banquet, two local Teachers of the Year are announced as representatives of Sacramento County to the state Teachers of the Year program. California annually selects five Teachers of the Year, with one advancing to the National Teacher of the Year program.
Partnering with the Sacramento County Office of Education to recognize exemplary teachers are the Scottish Rite, which presents a perpetual trophy to the two Sacramento County Teachers of the Year, and Maloof Sports and Entertainment, which annually honors local Teachers of the Year in a ceremony during halftime of a Sacramento Kings home game.