Teachers, administrators, and members of the public are encouraged to review science instructional materials that are currently under consideration by the California State Board of Education for adoption in kindergarten through 8th grade. Districts will be allowed to purchase approved materials using state funds for the next six years.
All recommended materials are available for public viewing at the Learning Resources Display Center (LRDC) on the first floor of the Sacramento County Office of Education's (SCOE) David P. Meaney Education Center. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Curriculum Committee criteria for adopting instructional materials require submitted materials to demonstrate that the standards can be taught with hands-on activities composing at least 20 to 25 percent of the instructional program. Eleven different publishers have passed the rigorous review by both the materials review panels (IMAPs and CRPs) and the full Curriculum Commission (see list of recommended publishers below). Many of the programs on display at SCOE include tubs of hands-on materials that accompany text materials, assessment tools, and other program elements.
The following programs are being recommended for approval:
Recommended for Grades K-6
- Delta Education: Full Option Science System (FOSS) (K-5)
- Harcourt School Publishers: California Science (K-6)
- Houghton Mifflin: California Science 2007 (K-6)
- Macmillan/McGraw-Hill: California Science (K-6)
- Pearson Scott Foresman: California Science (K-6)
Recommended for Grades 6-8
- CPO Science: Focus on Earth Science (6), Life Science (7), Physical Science (8)
- Glencoe/McGraw-Hill: Science Focus On Series (6, 7, 8)
- Holt, Rinehart & Winston California Science: Earth Science (6), Life Science (7), Physical Science (8)
- It's About Time: Investigating Earth Systems (6), Interactions in Physical Science (8)
- McDougal Littell California Middle School Science Series: Focus on Earth Science (6), Focus on Life Science (7), Focus on Physical Science (8)
- Prentice-Hall California Science Explorer: Focus on Earth Science (6), Focus on Life Science (7), Focus on Physical Science (8)
The State Board of Education is expected to take action on the recommended materials at its November meeting. For more information, call (916) 228-2644.