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Barbara Modlin Named SCOE Teacher of the Year 2011

Instructor Works with Community School Students at Hickey Campus

Tim Taylor, Marty Cavanaugh, Barbara Modlin, Dave Gordon

L-R: Assistant Superintendent Tim Taylor, Deputy Superintendent Marty ​Cavanaugh, SCOE Teacher of the Year 2011 Barbara Modlin, and County Superintendent David W. Gordon.

Teacher Barbara Modlin was in the middle of a lesson on June 3rd when administrators and co-workers invaded her classroom bearing balloons, flowers, cookies and smiles. The interruption was to inform Modlin she had been selected as the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Teacher of the Year for 2011.

Modlin, a resident of Sacramento, teaches at Elinor Lincoln Hickey Jr./Sr. High School, a community school operated by SCOE.

"As the first teacher in our LINKS program, Barbara has worked tirelessly to bring out the best in her students every day. Her dedication to helping others is the catalyst that allows her students to excel," said David W. Gordon, Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools. "Every day, teachers like Barbara make an impact on our children that can last a lifetime."

LINKS is a groundbreaking SCOE career technical education model aimed at helping high-risk students succeed. Services are tailored to individual students based on their specific needs instead of through traditional, scripted education.

"My strategy in teaching is to create an environment of mutual respect and trust with my students," Modlin said. "The LINKS program has afforded me the opportunity to bring my passion, creativity and energy to truly help at-risk youth."

Joining Superintendent Gordon in making the announcement were Deputy Superintendent Marty Cavanaugh, Assistant Superintendent of Court, Community Schools and ROP Tim Taylor, and Hickey Interim Principal Lisa Alcalá, the 2010 SCOE Teacher of the Year.

"As our LINKS pioneer, Barbara goes above and beyond her obvious contributions to the Hickey school community. She touches the hearts and lives of all of her students," said Deputy Superintendent Cavanaugh. "She is a tireless teacher who never gives up on her students."

Modlin has both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in English from California State University, Sacramento. During her five years as a SCOE teacher, she has exposed her students to college opportunities through advanced education. She also has provided them with access to job training, job readiness, ROP classes, as well as internships and job shadowing opportunities. She also worked to establish SCOE's Student Leadership Advisory Council.

Ms. Modlin will be honored, along with teachers representing other Sacramento County school districts, at the annual Teachers of the Year Awards dinner, which will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.

The Sacramento County Teachers of the Year Program is presented by SCOE in partnership with Maloof Sports and Entertainment, the Sacramento River Cats, the Intel Corporation Folsom and the Sacramento Scottish Rite Bodies of Freemasonry.

Barbara Modlin posing with class

Modlin with her​ class.

Barbara Modlin and students shoveling in raised flowerbed

Modlinworking with students to build a community garden at the Rancho Cordova Senior Center ​in April 2010.