Buzz saws screeched, sawdust flew, and hammers pounded as high school students from sixteen schools competed in the 23rd Annual Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange Design/Build Competition held at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento.
The two-day event, which ran May 6-7, is designed to promote awareness and interest in the construction and architectural design industries among high school students, as well as create a fun learning atmosphere.
"This is a good experience for these students to learn and we in the construction industry are happy to make this investment in workforce development," said Jim Lambert, Executive Vice-President for the Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange (SRBX). "The skills these students are learning they will never forget."
Teams from 16 Sacramento-area high schools had two days to construct a shed following design guidelines provided by the SRBX. Each team had to complete the challenge of designing and preparing construction documents for a 96-square foot structure. Teams were judged for planning and design, project management, overall construction, as well as safety. Schools are allowed to keep the completed projects or sell them to raise funds to support their programs.
"These teachers need to be commended for the work they are doing with these motivated students," said Tim Taylor, Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Assistant Superintendent for County and Community Schools and ROP.
The goal of the program is to expose area high school students to the hands-on experience of taking a building project from beginning to end, giving them a taste of all aspects of the construction industry.
SRBX and the local construction community provided all of the materials needed for each team. The students participating in the program are enrolled in Regional Occupation Programs (ROP) at their high schools.