The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) is seeking to donate a wide range of surplus instructional materials. Representatives of county public libraries, private schools, charter schools, local governing boards, public entities, nonprofit charitable organizations, or a literacy project, you are invited to attend an open house at the SCOE textbook warehouse.
Location: 3735 Bradview Drive, Suite 200, Sacramento
Date: Friday, April 28, 2017
Time: 9–11 a.m.
Items available for donation include instructional materials for Collections for Young Scholars (1997), Open Court Reading (2000), and various publisher teaching kits (1994–2005).
Materials will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. You must be able to load and transport the items using your own staff and vehicles. All recipients of these materials must certify to SCOE and the County Board of Education that they agree to distribute the materials, free of charge.
California Education Code sections 35160, 35160.2, 17545, and 17546 allow school districts and county offices to dispose of surplus property.
For questions, please contact Travis Ketchum at (916) 228-2384 or Parrish Chavez at (916) 228-2574.