For men and women on parole or probation, the transition to being law abiding, contributing members of society can be challenging. More than 70 Placer County Re-Entry Program (PREP) clients received plaques yesterday for completing core requirements of the program. The skills they learned will help them succeed as they re-enter their communities. Individuals received recognition for overcoming challenges and achieving impressive personal goals. PREP also recognized Placer County partner agencies at the ceremony, held at the Placer County Fairgrounds.
PREP is one of the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Adult Re-Entry Programs. It is a collaborative effort between SCOE, the Placer County Probation Department, the Placer County Sheriff’s Department, Health and Human Services, and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The program serves state parolees and county probationers assessed to be at high or moderate risk of reoffending.
PREP began serving clients in 2015. It provides life skills, academic support, employment readiness, and treatment programs designed to address the causes of offending behavior. PREP offers services at the Placer County jails, the Placer County Probation Department, the Placer County Welcome Center shelter, the Gathering Inn shelter, and the PREP center in Auburn. Nearly 250 clients have now completed the program.