The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) have been working closely together since the COVID-19 virus appeared. We want to reassure local school districts and the public that, to date, there are no diagnosed cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus involving students or school staff in Sacramento County.
At this time, there is no immediate risk and therefore no recommendation from SCPH that any individual school or school district needs to close. If diagnosed cases are discovered associated with schools, the Public Health Department will advise what steps need to be taken—up to and including school closures or quarantines.
We respect the decision of the Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) to move up their Spring Break to allow them time to work with SCPH to fully understand their situation, and we will support them in this effort.
We will continue to update districts and the public as more information and guidance becomes available. Additional reference information about COVID-19 is available on a dedicated page published on the SCOE website.