Despite the myriad of challenges presented by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) continues to provide opportunities for teachers to expand their skillsets. It is actively encouraging teachers to help students engage socially, connect with their school and community, and motivate them to get involved in activities that benefit others.
SCOE recently held an online training for Friday Night Live (FNL) and Club Live (CL) advisors from schools across the county. District coordinators and SCOE staff video conferenced with teachers from 48 middle schools and high schools who will be serving as FNL/CL program advisors this year.
The advisors got an overview of the program, learned how to get started and recruit students, and received materials to help them lead—even connecting with students in a more virtual world. Kristin Wright, Executive Director of SCOE’s Prevention & Early Intervention Department, encouraged the advisors to be intentional in involving all students in the program, focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The FNL/CL training participants also had a networking opportunity, with experienced advisors sharing their knowledge and answering questions from those new to the program.