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Leadership Institute Honors Graduates for 2022

Administrative Credential Program Prepares Future Education Leaders

Thumbnail photos from video conference celebration

2021–22 SCOE Leadership Institute graduates celebrated online.

The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Leadership Institute held an online celebration on June 28 to honor its 2022 graduating class. During the ceremony, 65 participants were recognized for completing the coursework. They are in the process of being recommended to receive a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, which will allow them to apply for site administrator, vice-principal, and other district administration positions. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing authorizes the credentials.

The Leadership Institute, part of the SCOE School of Education, prepares aspiring administrators to fill the expected need for highly qualified and trained administrators. It also helps train newly appointed administrators (one or two years of experience), continuing administrators (three or more years of experience), and established district administrators.

The School of Education is made up of two divisions: Teaching and Leading. The Leadership Institute is part of the “Leading” division, while the “Teaching” division includes the Teacher Intern Program and the Teacher Induction Program. For information about the School of Education, call (916) 228-2538.