Classified school employees are vital to ensuring that daily education operations run smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. These experts often work behind the scenes as they provide administrative, technical, and operational support—frequently with many years of knowledge and experience. The annual Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Classified School Employees of the Year competition helps pay tribute to the efforts of SCOE’s outstanding classified employees.
The Sacramento County Board of Education helped to celebrate Classified School Employee Week at its meeting yesterday. Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools David W. Gordon joined the Board in congratulating SCOE’s 2024 Classified School Employee of the Year, Alexander (Alex) Ayuli. SCOE’s top classified employee is a Paraprofessional Educator in the Special Education Department, working in the career and technical education (CTE) horticulture class at Leo A. Palmiter Jr./Sr. High School. Students in the class learn to build and maintain food gardens and landscaping projects, and the fruits and vegetables they grow are regularly served in our Culinary Café. Ayuli is genuinely dedicated to success and encourages students to push the boundaries of their comfort zones to participate in educational opportunities they might otherwise miss.
“Alex is a dedicated member of our team,” said Palmiter Principal Lauren Roth. “Classified School Employee Week is about honoring the staff who go above and beyond, and reminding all staff about the important role they play in education. Alex always finds innovative ways to inspire our students and works to engage the community in educational experiences.”
SCOE staff from up to nine categories are nominated to compete each year, helping them realize their many accomplishments and come away with a renewed sense of dedication. Following paper screening and formal interviews, one person is named SCOE’s Classified Employee of the Year, while one qualifying person from each category can move on to the county competition.
- Previous SCOE Classified Employees of the Year are listed online.
Ayuli’s selection qualified him to advance to the 2024 County Classified Employees of the Year competition. The winners of the county competition were announced in March and advanced to the state recognition program. The California Department of Education revealed the 2024 state winners earlier this month.
In 1986, California Senate Bill 1552 (Campbell) established the third week of May as Classified School Employee Week, helping to officially recognize the vital contributions these staff make to education. At its May 7 meeting, the Sacramento County Board of Education formally declared May 19–25, 2024, as Classified School Employee Week in Sacramento County. SCOE classified staff members are represented by the California School Employees Association (CSEA Chapter 480).