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Commissioner Appointment Recommended for 2024–2027 Term

Superintendent’s Appointee Is One of Three Commission Members


David W. Gordon, Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools, is announcing his intention to re-appoint Jan Mayer Ashley, Ed.D., to the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Personnel Commission. If approved, the appointment will be effective December 1, 2024. Mayer Ashley is currently completing a partial term, which expires November 30, 2024.

Personnel Commission Rules require the name of the intended appointee to be announced at least 30 days before the formal appointment, and that a public hearing be held to discuss the qualifications of the appointee. The Superintendent’s recommendation for re-appointment will be announced at the Board meeting on September 24, 2024. The public hearing and an action item on the appointment will be placed on the October 22, 2024, Board agenda. If re-appointed, Mayer Ashley will serve on the Personnel Commission from December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2027.

About the SCOE Personnel Commission

The Personnel Commission administers the Merit System for SCOE classified employees. Three members make up the Commission: one recommended by SCOE’s classified collective bargaining unit (CSEA Chapter 480), one recommended by the Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools, and another jointly recommended by the other two appointees. By Personnel Commission Rule, the Sacramento County Board of Education must approve each appointment to the Personnel Commission.