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Superintendent Statement: High-Quality Education for All

SCOE Committed to Ensuring Welcoming and Safe Learning Environments

Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools Statement

As the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE), our role is to provide high-quality education and services for the students, families, and clients in our schools and programs. To fulfill our educational role, SCOE schools and programs will continue to create and maintain learning environments where all students, families, and clients feel valued, welcome, and safe, regardless of their identity, background, or immigration status.

By law, all students have a constitutional right to receive a free public education. They also have a legal right to attend school without discrimination, harassment, or intimidation. Studies show that positive school climates contribute to academic achievement and other positive outcomes for students. SCOE remains committed to ensuring that every student has access to inclusive, welcoming, and safe learning environments, regardless of identity, background, or immigration status, so that all students have the best opportunity to succeed.

Public schools are vital for the preservation of our democratic system of government and are essential for maintaining the fabric of our society. Our community is strengthened when all students are educated so that they may reach their highest potential and contribute to the good of all.

We are dedicated to the education and well-being of every student in our county. SCOE will continue to provide our schools, programs, and school districts with the most up-to-date legal and policy information and resources to help protect students’ access to their constitutional right to education, regardless of immigration or citizenship status.

Information and Resources