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Workshops Strengthen Support for Students With Disabilities

Monthly Series to Highlight Opportunities and Engagement Strategies

Strengthening Partnerships Series

The webinar series will be offered monthly for those who support students with disabilities.

Approximately 7.9 million students ages 3 through 21 received special education and related services in the 2023–24 school year, according to data from the U.S. Department of Education data. That’s more than 15 percent of all children enrolled in public schools. Research clearly shows the impact of full and equitable relationships between schools and families, benefitting students, educators, schools, families, and communities. Strong communication, collaboration between schools and families, high-quality training, and comprehensive support systems all help students with disabilities thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

With these considerations in mind, a free series of engaging online workshops is being offered for parents and guardians, educators, administrators, leaders, and staff who support students with disabilities. Monthly sessions in the Strengthening Partnerships for Students with Disabilities series will include a variety of helpful topics, including strategies for effective communication, ways to strengthen family–school relationships, information about programs and support services, and discussion of best practices.

Seeds of Partnership, together with the Special Education Division of the California Department of Education (CDE), is conducting the series to strengthen the connections that empower students to do their best. Families will learn more about special education, related support options, and how to deepen partnerships with educators. Educators will learn additional strategies to effectively engage and support families.

Recordings of the workshops will be published on the Seeds of Partnership website, adding to a growing collection of e-learning videos on a variety of topics that support school districts and families of children with disabilities.

Details and Registration

Register for individual webinars online and learn more about upcoming sessions as topics are announced. Webinars will be conducted online via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of the month (excluding November and December) during the 2025–26 school year.

The monthly series begins with a two-part discussion presented by Learning Heroes:

  • Part 1: The Importance of Family-School Partnerships (2/27/25)—explore trust-based family–educator partnerships focused on student learning and well-being
  • Part 2: Unlocking the How—Family Engagement in Support of Student Learning (3/24/25)—learn practical strategies for strengthening family–educator relationships

For questions about the webinar series, please email

About Seeds of Partnership

Seeds of Partnership is a statewide training and technical assistance project operated by the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to support educators, administrators, partners, families, young adults with disabilities, and others across California. It also provides support and assistance to 33 Family Empowerment Centers across the state and is part of the CA Statewide System of Support. Funding comes from the Special Education Division of the California Department of Education (CDE).